Infrastructure development projects in the country are currently subjected to a micro and macro environment that has made it increasingly challenging for their smooth and uninterrupted delivery. The bleak economic outlook that has prevailed since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 has had its effects felt throughout all corners of the economy, with the triple threat of inequality, unemployment and poverty worse off.
Furthermore, this has resulted in increased contestation for economic opportunities presented by infrastructure development projects, particularly in semi-urban, rural and remote areas that grapple with access to economic opportunities.
This phenomenon has been especially evident amongst emerging contractors, material and plant suppliers, service providers, job seekers and affected communities in general. The recent emergence of the “construction mafia”, organizing themselves into local business forum groups, invading construction sites to claim their stake, has wreaked havoc in the construction sector in particular.
With Stakeholder Engagement and Social Facilitation being cornerstones for inclusive project implementation, such environments have necessitated these fundamentals even much more so. Against this background, CoCoon Consulting’s mission has become increasingly necessary and that is to drive cohesion, bring meaningful engagements and collaboration between our clients and their key stakeholders to ensure community involvement throughout the project life cycle, and thus, ensuring smooth implementation of the projects.
At CoCoon Consulting, we strive for achieving a conducive environment for project implementation that will have a long-lasting impact and legacy long after the infrastructure development project has been completed within the communities.